Who we are
The Paths in the Pocket project is the brainchild of Brain Community and the contribution of the 9th Mountain Community.
Brain Community
We are an association working in the field of education, promotion and enhancement of the biodiversity of the Prenestine Mountains. The use of new technologies, historical and scientific research, and collaboration with educational institutions, associations, agencies and universities are the main ways to achieve the goals of discovering and protecting the biodiversity of the Prenestine Mountains. He currently collaborates on these issues with various area administrations and nationwide.
ALP - Alleanza Prenestina
ALP/Alleanza Prenestina is an environmental network of associations committed to the protection and enhancement of the natural, historical-archaeological and landscape heritage of the Prenestina area
(Agro Tiburtino-Prenestino, Prenestini Mountains, upper Sacco River Valley).